By Delano Seiveright
The public session of the 63rd annual conference of the Jamaica Labour Party on November 19th 2006 has been heralded as the biggest party conference in Jamaica’s history. The turnout was frankly astronomical and I am sure for many others present, astounding. Never have I in my 22 years of life been in a crowd of that magnitude. The JLP conference was clearly a tremendous success not only in terms of turnout but also in organization, content, passion and delivery.
The highlight of the conference was the address by the Leader of the JLP, Dr. Bruce Golding. Dr. Golding laid out aspects of a broader plan to transform governance in Jamaica. I had stated in earlier articles that the primary problem facing our country is bad governance. Believe it or not rampant crime, a stagnant economy, a substandard education system and bad roads are all attributable to bad governance. If we had benefited from consistent and effective good governance we would not have been in the rut that we are now today. After approximately 18 consistent years of bad governance the result has been a stagnant economy, intolerably high levels of crime and violence, a substandard education system, poor health care and a litany of other economic and social problems.
It is therefore important that well thinking Jamaicans go out to ensure that Jamaica is taken off the road of doom and gloom. It is patently clear that Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller is not only ham-fisted but also clearly unable to lead her own party. Her handling of state affairs has so far indicated to all and sundry that she is unfit for the office of Prime Minister. How else can one explain the Cement crisis, the Portmore toll road fiasco, the Sandals Whitehouse scandal, the Trafigura affair, the dramatic increase in political tension, cantankerous speeches, a government in shambles and several other failures and blunders on her part. To top it all off she makes frequent jaunts overseas, is frequently tardy or absent from Parliament and is afraid to face journalists. Already one prominent pro-PNP UWI academic had put forward the undoubtedly embarrassing proposal that Mrs. Simpson-Miller appoint a Deputy Prime Minister to handle the day-to-day operations of government.
No well thinking Jamaican can honestly argue that Mrs. Simpson-Miller and her fractious jamboree of party faithful deserves a fifth consecutive term in government. Not only is it an illogical and heartless notion but an inept one at that. Dr. Golding and his united team offer the best chance for Jamaica at this time. Not only is the team more youthful but also far more erudite, far more proficient and far more imaginative. Just watch the nightly newscasts. The burst of energy that the upcoming JLP victory at the polls will give to Jamaica will most certainly propel Jamaica into a new age of development and transformation.
Dr. Golding in his speech laid out segments of the JLP’s plan to bring about authentic change. This plan might not include many hugs and kisses but entails a transformational plan for governance, as we know it.
Firstly, the plan consists of a new constitutional and political framework in which:
the people’s rights are entrenched and enshrined and the mechanisms are provided to enforce and protect those rights;
the powers of government are clearly defined and government is held firmly accountable;
to ensure greater stability in the political process by establishing a fixed election date and encourage greater renewal by imposing term limits for the office of Prime Minister;
there is greater separation of powers between the government and the Parliament by strengthening the role and expanding the powers of the Opposition in Parliament so that in certain critical areas, government cannot act unilaterally but can only do so with the agreement of the Opposition. The fact is that under the present Constitution the Cabinet decides what it wants and, where necessary, it goes to Gordon House where those on the government side dutifully rubber-stamp those decisions. If we are serious about building a new Jamaica this cannot be allowed to continue.
One must emphasize the fact that the JLP, which will form government, very soon has committed themselves to arrangements, which will limit the power of itself in government and strengthen the power of the Opposition. This commitment is being made because it is the right thing to do; it is essential to the new framework of governance for a new Jamaica, for a better life.
Dr. Golding went on to list a raft of formidable plans to tackle some of Jamaica’s challenging problems. These include plans to address:
A failing justice system;
The effectiveness of political representatives;
Local government reform;
Education reform;
Rural development;
Inner city development;
Government bureaucracy;
Labour market reform and productivity improvement;
Tourism development;
Social security;
National Housing Trust reform
These are just some the areas in which the JLP plans to reform governance. The entire vision is to be presented in the party’s new manifesto to be completed soon. Jamaica has again arrived at a critical juncture in its political history. It will most likely take the collective effort of well thinking Jamaicans like you to make a positive difference.
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