"SCANDALS" WHITEHOUSE - Corruption, Corruption!!!
By Delano Seiveright
I became nauseated after reading the major local newspapers (Daily Gleaner & the Jamaica Observer) lead story on June 21, 2006 pertaining to aspects of

Mr. Samuda at one point of his address stated that, "This government really should resign…In any civilised country they would have to resign." In many civil countries their wouldn’t have to be any public outcry for their respective governments to either resign en masse or for the respective government officials with direct responsibility to resign.
With an overrun of around US$41 million or J$2.7 billion and evidence of a hotel plagued with a myriad of structural problems, one wonders why to date no one has been held accountable? Of course many Jamaicans would not hesitate to argue that gross mismanagement, cronyism and corruption have become entrenched in the current ruling administration with tens of billons of dollars going down the drain over the years. The public cannot however afford to bankroll yet another government project gone awry.
Silence of Civil Society
I am deeply disturbed by the silence of civil society on the matter. For far too long the citizens of Jamaica have been taken for a ride and there needs to be a clarion call by leading civil society figures and the people at large to not ask for, but demand accountability and by and large a commitment to the principles of good governance.
It would do well if Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller acts assiduously on the suggestions made by Mr. Samuda in seeking to cover the cost of the overruns. The Prime Minister must also explain to the country why the government commissioned probe into the controversial project has not been made public.
The spotlight has again been turned on her to see how she handles yet another crisis particularly in light of her ham-fisted handling of the cement crisis.
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