Mona Campus Youth League

The University of the West Indies, Mona arm of G2K [Generation 2000]. G2K is the young professional affiliate of the Jamaica Labour Party.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


By Trevor Wanliss

A Government when elected, is expected to govern the nation collectively with wisdom. They study the prevailing economic and social condition, then activate policies.
The inhabitants become filled with their desire to succeed, as they set their goal on their desired object. Wise men charted a way to guide the people. At the beginning of such an era, harmonic existence became prevalent. Population grows, then space seems to become compact, as the world seems to get smaller, but coexistence continue on the freeway.
Then suddenly the world around us became a very untidy place, as quickly emerged a body of cunning, dangerous wicked and deceitful people with their immoral agendas. They have now proven such as buffoons, with their selfish and vicious actions. They plunder the coffers, they devastate as they dole out crumbs to the more unfortunate inhabitants, presenting them with the venom of manipulation.

For more than a decade and a half now they have been sending these subjects, scavenging for their very lives. One could never imagine the deplorable circumstances that many of these people encountered to survive. These rascals, after three terms of plundering, then at the beginning of the fourth term, their subjects became wise.
It is the hope that wisdom will prevail as they send these marauding reprobates into oblivion. They look down on the voters as perceived idiots.It is only in the jungles of Central Africa that I have seen such exploitation.
The main perpetrator, the HYENA, ---- and the hyena a vicious and UGLY creature, and one wonder if such an ugly being was created, and sent by God, or is it Medusa, one of the three Gorgon hideous sister, that was sent by God.
The Hyena is lending “lethal advice,” to the hideous Medusa. Medusa with the long false hair, is a product of the underworld, parading with sardonic gestures, hugging and kissing, making a mockery of especially poor people.
Beware ye folks you may be turned into stone from hugging and kisses.We can now see the Sunbeam gleaming through the dark passage, as one of the sons of God has arrived.Social, Economic Development, and prosperity is the trident in his arms, to return the country to it’s former glory.
Economic and Social Development is not just a promise, that is what he will administer, as the shining light of God our father surrounds him.

[Get in touch with Trevor Wanliss, the Envoy/Coordinator for the JLP in North America, P.O. Box 2092 Stone Mtn. Ga. 30086 and become a direct Overseas member]


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